Long Term Plan for Towns – Community Engagement Results




The purpose of this stakeholder engagement analysis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the engagement activities conducted as part of the Long-Term Plan for Towns programme in Scarborough. This analysis aims to:

1.    Outline the methods and activities used to engage with various stakeholders, ensuring transparency and accountability in the engagement process.


2.    Summarise the feedback and input received from stakeholders, highlighting key themes, concerns, and suggestions that emerged during the engagement.


3.    Demonstrate how stakeholder feedback has influenced the development of the Long-Term Plan for Towns, ensuring that the plan reflects the needs and priorities of the local community.


4.    Ensure ongoing dialogue and collaboration with the community and stakeholders throughout the implementation phase, encouraging a sense of ownership and commitment to the plan's success.


By conducting this analysis, we aim to ensure that the Long-Term Plan for Towns is developed in a way that is inclusive, transparent, and aligned with the community's aspirations and needs.


Engagement Overview


Our objectives for the LTPT engagement are:


  1. Develop a shared vision for Scarborough that enhances quality of life, economic resilience, and connectivity.


  1. Facilitate inclusive engagement to capture diverse perspectives from the community.


  1. Identify and prioritise key projects across the themes of safety and security, high street heritage and regeneration, and transport and connectivity.


Engagement Phases:


The community engagement has been structured around three waves aimed to refine the community’s vision:

Stakeholder Identification


Key Stakeholder Groups:



Community-led Engagement Work:


North Yorkshire Council, as the accountable body of the Long-Term Plan for Towns, organised and led the consultation process in partnership with local community organisations to ensure a comprehensive and community-led approach. To achieve this, some of the engagement work was delegated to the following organisations:

Coast and Vale Community Action (CavCA): Engaged with community and voluntary sectors, facilitating workshops and public forums.

ARCADE: Focused on cultural and heritage organisations, conducting visioning events and open workshops.

North Yorkshire Sport: Led engagement with younger residents through sport-related activities and workshops.

These organisations were chosen due to their established connections and credibility within different community segments, allowing them to effectively engage with diverse groups. This approach also made sure we adhered to the LTPT guidance, which emphasised the importance of community-led consultation.


For the consultation, we utilised the established branding of the North Yorkshire Council's "Let's Talk" consultation brand, ensuring a cohesive and recognisable identity across all engagement activities. This was done in partnership with the "This is Scarborough" branding, which helped to reinforce the local connection and relevance of the initiative. By combining these two well-known brands, we aimed to build trust and encourage participation, making it clear that this consultation was a collaborative effort focused on Scarborough's future.



Figure 1 - Branding and Communication examples from the LTPT Community Engagement










Engagement Activities


Wave 1: Visioning


W1 Objective: To gather a broad range of visions for Scarborough’s future, focusing on inclusivity and diversity of thought.


Event Name



Type of Event

Target Audience



North Yorkshire Sport FEAST activities

Eastfield, Barrowcliff

Monday, April 1, 2024

Visioning Workshop - invite only

Children receiving free School meals aged 8-16

North Yorkshire Sport


North Yorkshire Sport FEAST activities

Eastfield, Barrowcliff

Monday, April 1, 2024

Visioning Workshop - invite only

Children receiving free School meals aged 8-16

North Yorkshire Sport


Professionals Strategy Session

Scarborough Town Hall Council Chamber

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Visioning Workshop - invite only

Public Sector



Transport Strategy Engagement Session


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Visioning Workshop - invite only

NYC Transport Team



Scarborough Streets

Town Centre

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Visioning Event - Open Event

General Public



Scarborough Streets

Town Centre

Monday, May 6, 2024

Visioning Event - Open Event

General Public



Interactive Survey


Monday, May 6, 2024

Visioning - Open

General Public



Eastfield Residents, PACT


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Visioning Workshop - Open Event

Eastfield Residents



ACC Meeting


Friday, May 10, 2024


Ward Members



Highstreet, Heritage and Regeneration - Thematic Group N1

Cabinet Room, Town Hall

Friday, May 10, 2024

Visioning, Scope out potential projects

Town Deal Board Members, Internal NYC Lead Officers, selected external partners



Safety and Security - Thematic Group N1

Cabinet Room, Town Hall

Friday, May 10, 2024

Visioning, Scope out potential projects

Town Deal Board Members, Internal NYC Lead Officers, selected external partners



Transport and Connectivity Thematic Group N1

Cabinet Room, Town Hall

Friday, May 10, 2024

Visioning, Scope out potential projects

Town Deal Board Members, Internal NYC Lead Officers, selected external partners



Business Breakfast

Scarborough Rugby Club

Monday, May 13, 2024

Invite only - Visioning

Scarborough Businesses

Scarborough Business Partnership /NYC


Gallows Close Community Centre - Free Cafe Sessions

Gallows Close Community Centre

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Open event Visioning

Barrowcliff Residents



Open Workshops 'World Café'

The Street

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Open Event - Visioning

Community and Voluntary Sector



Open Workshops 'World Café'

The Street

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Open Event - Visioning

Community and Voluntary Sector


Open Workshops 'World Café'

The Street

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Open Event

Community and Voluntary Sector


Arts, Cultural and heritage Organisations/Individuals


Monday, May 20, 2024

Open Event - Visioning

Cultural Organisations in Scarborough


Community Conversations

Town Hall

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Outreach sessions - Visioning

Wider Public



Scarborough 6th form Criminology Course

Scarborough 6th Form

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Visioning Workshop - invite only

Scarborough 6th Form College

NYC / Scar 6th


Professionals Strategy Session N2


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Prioritisation - Invite only

Internal NYC Officers



Castle Ward Community Event

The Rainbow Centre

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Open Event - Visioning

Castle Ward Residents and Eastern European Community



Community Conversations

CU Scarborough

Friday, May 24, 2024

Outreach sessions - Visioning

Wider Public


Included in the 363

Open visioning event

Market Hall

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Visioning Event - Open Event

General Public














Online Survey:


Figure 2 - Visual of the Online Map Survey




As part of the stakeholder engagement process, an online survey (interactive mapping) was conducted to gather input from a wide range of community members.

The map function on Commonplace consultation website allowed users to interact with a map of Scarborough to provide feedback on specific locations. Users could drop pins, leave comments, and suggest improvements or concerns about particular areas. This feature helped gather localised input from the community, making it easier to visualise and address specific issues within a geographical context.

The survey was designed to be accessible and inclusive, allowing residents to share their thoughts and feedback on various aspects of the Long-Term Plan for Towns.



o    Capture a broad spectrum of opinions and ideas from the community.

o    Provide a convenient platform for stakeholders who could not attend in-person events.

o    Ensure the engagement process reached a diverse demographic.




o    The survey was promoted through multiple channels, including social media, email newsletters, and community events.


Responses and Engagement:


o    Total responses received: 935

o    Agreements (reacting to someone else’s response): 633

o    NYC website page views: 879

o    Commonplace site visitors: 2,757


Wave 2: Prioritisation


W2 Objective: To identify and prioritise short, medium, and long-term projects that align with the community's vision as set out in Wave 1 and the strategic themes of safety and security, high street heritage and regeneration, and transport and connectivity.

Wave 2 activities:

Event Name



Type of Event

Target Audience


Safety and Security - Thematic Group N2

Cabinet Room, Town Hall

Friday, June 7, 2024

Prioritisation - Invite only

Town Board Members, Internal NYC Lead Officers, selected external partners


Highstreet, Heritage and Regeneration - Thematic Group N2

CU Scarborough

Friday, June 7, 2024

Prioritisation - Invite only

Town Board Members, Internal NYC Lead Officers, selected external partners


Transport and Connectivity Thematic Group N2


Friday, June 7, 2024

Prioritisation - Invite only

Town Board Members, Internal NYC Lead Officers, selected external partners


Scarborough Town Board Meeting

Scarborough Rugby Club

Monday, June 17, 2024

Prioritisation - Invite only







Wave 3: Sustained Dialogue


W3 Objective: To ensure ongoing engagement with the community through continuous updates, feedback collection, and community-led initiatives.

Community Appreciation:


The community has expressed strong appreciation for the efforts made to reach out to them where they live and work. They valued the open dialogue on the consultation and felt genuinely involved in the process. This inclusive approach will be continued through the projects that emerge from this consultation. The ability to check the online calendar for upcoming events and engagement opportunities was particularly well-received, and we would recommend maintaining this level of accessibility and transparency going forward.

Ongoing Engagement Methods:


Continuous Updates: Regular updates on the project's progress will be shared via the North Yorkshire Council (NYC) website and social media platforms to keep the community informed.

Feedback Collection: Continued community consultations and workshops will be conducted to gather feedback and ensure transparency throughout the project implementation phase.

Community-led Initiatives: Supporting community-led initiatives to encourage a sense of ownership and involvement in the projects.

Online Calendar: The community appreciated the ability to look online and see an updated calendar of upcoming events. This will be maintained to ensure that residents can easily find and participate in future engagement activities.


Stakeholder Feedback and Engagement analysis


Summary of Key Feedback Themes:


Below is a summary of the main themes and insights from the community stakeholder feedback.

1.   Improving the Town Centre:


Residents expressed a strong desire for a cleaner, more attractive town centre. Specific concerns included the pervasive mess caused by seagulls and general grime that detracts from the town centres appeal. Enhancing the appearance of shop fronts was also highlighted as a priority to improve the visual aesthetics of the town.


LTPT alignment: A cleaner town centre can attract more visitors and businesses, boosting local commerce and improving the overall living environment.


2.   Public Transportation Needs:


There is a significant demand for more frequent bus services, particularly for teenagers and the elderly in areas like Sandy Bed and Barrowcliff. Residents highlighted that current transportation options are inadequate, making it difficult for these groups to access the town centre for work, leisure, and other activities – often having to rely on taxis, which is not sustainable.


LTPT alignment: This feedback supports the objective to improve connectivity, ensuring that all residents have access to essential services and opportunities, thereby enhancing economic resilience and quality of life.


3.   Balancing Resident and Tourist Needs:


Residents raised concerns about the balance between their needs and those of tourists. There is a call for more affordable and free activities for children and families, such as fountains and paddling pools that allow for easy supervision. This feedback highlights the need for amenities that serve both residents and visitors, ensuring that locals feel valued and their needs are met.


LTPT alignment: with supporting inclusive engagement by addressing the needs of both residents and tourists, promoting a sense of community, and making the town attractive for all.


4.   Public Space Enhancements:


The community expressed a strong desire for more public spaces, including a town square, fountains, and seating areas that encourage socialising and relaxation. Residents feel that these enhancements would create inviting areas where people can gather and interact.


A significant number of residents requested the addition of more public toilets, particularly in busy areas like the town centre and parks. They feel that accessible and clean public toilets are essential for them to consider town centre visits with the wider family, as well as increasing dwell time individually.


LTPT alignment: By enhancing town centre amenities we can improve the quality of life by providing inviting areas for community interaction, supporting mental well-being, and creating a vibrant, cohesive community.


5.   Youth Provision:


There is a strong desire for youth-led provisions and social spaces within the town centre to better cater to the needs of younger residents. Such spaces would assist in addressing youth anti-social behaviour through positive community initiatives.


LTPT alignment: Supports inclusive engagement by addressing the specific needs of younger residents, promoting youth involvement and reducing anti-social behaviour.


6.   Addressing Anti-Social Behaviour:


Residents are concerned about anti-social behaviour in the town centre, particularly issues related to alcohol and substance abuse. There is a call for measures to reduce these behaviours and provide supportive services for vulnerable individuals.

LTPT alignment: with improving safety and security, enhancing the overall quality of life, and making the town centre a safer environment for all.


Next Steps

The key messages and feedback identified through the LTPT consultation has been able to inform The Scarborough Town Board when identifying interventions for delivery. We will aim to maintain the same level of continuous engagement to ensure ongoing communication with stakeholders and feedback throughout implementation of the Long-Term Plan for Scarborough as outlined in Wave 3.


Final reports from individual organisations will be available in their final format in due course.